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Writing an Email: Part 3 of 4 – The Body

Category: Language Training | 2018-07-12

There are many aspects to writing a business email that come into play, like proper greetings, tone, and more. This week, we’d like to focus on the body of a business email, and how you can write it in an effective way.

The body of the email is, of course, the true purpose of the email, so it’s important to say what you mean or want in a clear, precise manner.

If you’re having a little trouble forming the body of your email, we have some tips that might help.

Writing a Business Email: The Body

Improve Your Emails


Business English Training

1. Be Clear

No matter how complex the issue is, try to keep the issue as clear as possible. This is partly due to the fact that it’s difficult to convey tone in writing,

Even if you’re a native speaker, sometimes using short sentences can be a godsend when trying to keep an email clear. Long, drawn out sentences can cause confusion. Simple is best. Clarity is important, so keep it short.

Do you see what I mean?

2. Use Paragraphs

Your emails don’t have to use the “5 paragraph essay” structure you might have learned in school, but splitting your email into paragraphs makes it easier to read.

No one likes reading long paragraphs, or emails that are just one, long paragraph. They can contain too much information, which makes it difficult to find out what the point is.

Using paragraphs allows you to divide up the information, enabling your reader to clearly follow your train of thought.

3. Get to the Point

I always start my emails with a little bit of small talk, so that they come across as friendly and welcoming. Sometimes it’s just a, “I hope you’re doing well,” or, “I hope you enjoyed your weekend.” However, it’s important to get to the point.

People don’t really write emails just to chat about their days anymore, and especially if you’re writing an email for business purposes, getting to the point of your email saves time and is the most effective way to get someone’s attention.

Business people are very busy, and the well-known phrase, “time is money” is very true. So use a little bit of small talk at the beginning of your email, but then say exactly what it is that you need.

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4. Stay Professional

If you’ve read our other posts on writing a business email, then we may sound like a broken record on this point by now. But really, this is the biggest key to writing a successful email.

Professionalism is the name of the game when it comes to writing emails for work. How you come across in emails helps to define the reputation of your company, and therefore, how well the company does. When you write an email in the name of your company, you’re acting as its representative.






your personalized level

Putting it all Together

The next time you write a business email, represent your company well by staying clear, concise, and professional in your communication.

What’s your best tip for writing business emails? Share it with the community in the comments below!

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