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Read Your Way To Better Business English

Category: Business English Skills, Language Training | 2018-10-11

I’m a big believer in real-world, practical ways to learn languages. Learning grammar is a great way to learn the basics of a language, but there’s nothing like reading and speaking with native speakers to really kick your language learning into high gear. I truly believe in this, because it’s how I learned German!

With that being said, have you been looking to improve your Business English vocabulary, but feel a bit stuck? Well you’re in luck, because this week I wanted to share with you how I encourage my students to pick up new vocabulary: by reading.

If you’re busy at work (and let’s face it, we all are) it may feel like you don’t have time to do any vocab learning. But in fact, you do. And here’s how…

Learn New Business English Vocabulary by Reading

Improve Your Business English Vocabulary


Business English Training

Scan the Headlines

Everyone has a certain routine when they come into the office in the morning, and I can bet that yours starts with a cup of coffee or tea. If this is the case, take the time while you’re enjoying your coffee to scan the business headlines of the day in your favorite English newspaper. You don’t have to read the whole articles, just the headlines will do. Make sure to write down any unfamiliar words!

This may take five minutes out of your morning, and we’re sure you can take five minutes to improve your English skills before you buckle down to business.

Read One Article

Do you have a few extra minutes after lunch before you get back to work? Then pick one business article that sounds interesting and read through it.

This can be from a magazine, newspaper, online source…whatever you like! Just like with the headlines, make sure to jot down any words you don’t know.

If you’re anything like me, you need a few minutes to get back into the swing of things after lunch, so this is the perfect time to read through an article.

Business English Vocabulary, Business English Hamburg, Englisch Lernen Hamburg

Don’t be Afraid of Push Notifications

Too many push notifications on your phone can be extremely annoying. However, I have my favorite news site send me notifications so that I’m up-to-date with the biggest headlines throughout the day. These notifications are great, because all you have to do is glance at them. No in-depth reading to take up your time during your busy day.

And…you guessed it…. make sure to have your pen handy so you can write down any words you aren’t familiar with.

My favorite site for news is NPR, but you can also find business news from The Guardian, Forbes, The Economist, Business Insider, CNN, Reuters, Bloomberg…just pick your favorite and set up those notifications.

What to Do with your Vocab

I always tell my students to try to find five words a day they don’t know. Five new words a day during the business week means 25 new words by the time you leave the office on Friday. Those are 25 words you didn’t know on Monday morning!

So what do you do with this list of 25 new words? Try to find some time, either in the evenings or the weekends, to look up definitions or translations, should you need them.

Then, as I’m sure you’ll find, practice makes perfect. Come up with some sentences of your own with these words in them. Use them in conversation around the office. You may be surprised how many new words you learn in about 10 minutes each day!






your level!

Putting it All Together

Now that you have a way to increase your vocabulary, there is nothing standing in your way of improving your Business English! So, get out there and get reading the news, adding to your vocabulary and practicing it with native speakers!
And if you want to continue improving your Business English vocabulary, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll receive a 7-day free trial of our online English course and get more tips, articles and exclusive deals. Thanks for reading!



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