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Business English Skills

The Yes’s and No’s of Negotiation

The Yes’s and No’s of Negotiation

Category: Business English Skills | 2017-07-02

You may think that as a negotiator, you are winning if you get a “yes” from across the table. This may not be the case. In fact, a “No” might actually be what you need to start out your negotiation. Chris ... [Read more]

Break the Ice: 6 Brilliant Ways to Start a Conversation

Break the Ice: 6 Brilliant Ways to Start a Conversation

Category: Business English Skills, Language Training | 2017-06-24

In today’s international marketplace, there is no question that networking is an essential part of our daily business. But being necessary does not necessarily mean that it is easy. We all know that first impressions are important. Starting a conversation ... [Read more]

Keep Your Prospect On The Phone: 9 Key Phrases

Keep Your Prospect On The Phone: 9 Key Phrases

Category: Business English Skills, Language Training | 2017-06-17

Talking on the phone can be difficult. No question. Talking on the phone in a foreign language can be downright terrifying. Trying to make a sales call and keep your prospect on the phone can be nearly impossible. For non-native English ... [Read more]

Better Presentations: Overcoming the Fear of Presenting

Better Presentations: Overcoming the Fear of Presenting

Category: Business English Skills, Language Training | 2017-06-04

It is a well-known fact, that most of us have some fear of presenting. We get nervous, butterflies in our stomach and sweat way more than we should. In fact, surveys have shown that most people fear public speaking more ... [Read more]

Better Presentations: Closing A Presentation

Better Presentations: Closing A Presentation

Category: Business English Skills, Language Training | 2017-05-25

Welcome back to part 3 in our 4-part series on giving better presentations. We started with a look at creating A Strong Opening, then last week we focused on A Powerful Body. This week, we are going to discuss how ... [Read more]

Better Presentations: A Powerful Body

Better Presentations: A Powerful Body

Category: Business English Skills, Vocabulary | 2017-05-18

Welcome back to part 2 in our 4-part series on giving better presentations. Last week, in Better Presentations: A Strong Opening, we looked at how to capture the attention of your audience. This week we will be examining the language ... [Read more]

Better Presentations: A Strong Opening

Better Presentations: A Strong Opening

Category: Business English Skills, Language Training | 2017-05-11

This is the first installment in a 4-part series on giving better presentations. Each week we examine a different aspect of presentations and help you improve your public speaking skills. Your audience, in the weekly meeting or at a large conference, ... [Read more]

False Friends: 8 Common Business English Mistakes

False Friends: 8 Common Business English Mistakes

Category: Business English Skills, Language Training, Vocabulary | 2017-05-04

Anyone who has tried to learn a language has had that feeling you get when know you have said something wrong. The problem is, it sounded so right to you! You guessed it, false friends, the nemesis of language learners ... [Read more]

Small Talk: A How-To Guide

Small Talk: A How-To Guide

Category: Business English Skills | 2017-04-26

Picture it… Standing around at your next networking event, a fantastic prospect in front of you, and nothing to say. This is a common fear a lot of people have when faced with the idea of small talk. They just ... [Read more]

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