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Writing an Email: Part 4 of 4 – The Closing

Category: Business English Skills | 2018-07-19

Over the past few weeks, we’ve gone over every aspect of writing a business email, from the greetings, how to pick the right tone, and how to write a successful body. So now we come to the final installment in our series: How to end a business email on the right note.

As with many aspects of business emails, there are a few different sign-offs you can use, which are dependent on how well you know the person you’re writing to. Don’t forget to add your signature after the closing, as well as any attachments that you may have to include! It’s always a little embarrassing to send an email with the attachments you forgot to send the first time around.

And because it’s always important to end on a good note, here are a few ways you can do so:

Writing a Business Email: The Closing

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Business English Training

1. Sincerely yours,

Sincerely yours is one of the more formal ways to end a business email, so it’s a good choice to use if you have never met the person you’re writing to before.

2. Sincerely,

Also a little more on the formal side, sincerely can be use across the board. It is an appropriate option for people you have never met in real life or are emailing for the first time.

3. Kind regards,

Kind regards is moving into more informal territory, but is still professional, so appropriate for many different situations. Have you met this person before? Have you had a business relationship with them for a while? If this is the case, kind regards is a good option for you when you end a business email.

NB: Kind regards is the English equivalent of the German mit freundlichen Grüßen. I have heard it argued (in both languages) that saying kind regards could leave the door open to send unkind regards. However, I have never seen anyone send unkind regards, so it is up to you whether you choose to use this closing or not, all based on your personal preference.

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4. All the best,

All the best is definitely a more informal closing option, so I would recommend only using it if you’ve met the person you’re writing to in real life, or if you have known them for a while.

5. Best,

Like all the best, best is more informal. I tend to avoid using best at the end of an email, because it sounds a little short. However, if you have used it before and it works for you, go for it!

6. Thanks,

Thanks as a closing should only be used if you work closely with someone or have known them for a long time. If you’re looking for a more formal option, take with gratitude or with appreciation into consideration.

7. Cheers,

This is the personal favourite of our founder, Keith MacPherson. He likes it because it fits his style, and that of our school – easy-going and fun! Now this may not be the most formal way to end a business email, but it certainly is friendly! So, if you are looking for something on the lighter side, this might be the closing for you.






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Putting it all Together

Keep it creative! If you’re writing an email chain back and forth with someone, shake it up. Don’t use the same closing for each email, as that will get boring for both you and the recipient. Also, don’t be afraid to try new closings. These are just a few suggestions of what you can use to end a business email. So, try some new closings and find the one that you feel works best for you.

Just because you’re sending a business email doesn’t mean you can’t put a little bit of yourself into it. What are your favorite business ways to end a business email? Share them with all of us in the comments!

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