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In-House Language Training: 4 Reasons Why It’s A Great Idea!

Category: Language Training | 2017-03-15

One of the keys to a successful plan is finding a way to create a Win-Win. We want everyone to come out better on the other side. Like when you find the person who only wants drumsticks and you only want to eat the wings. Everybody wins! This is exactly why offering In-House Language Training is a great idea. Employees benefit from the expert training and the company gets a huge reward for their investment. Here are 4 of the best reasons why companies should offer language training as a perk to their employees.

4 Benefits of In-house Language Training

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Larger Markets

The ability to speak a second language is a prized asset in almost every area of business. Marketing and Sales staff who speak another language can easily tap into new markets. This can result in massive growth for an emerging company. One of the most important parts of learning a language is the understanding of the culture that comes with it. Students gain an appreciation for the finer points of the language and the native speakers who use it. You will not only surprise your clients, but they’ll be grateful that you’ve taken the time to learn their language.

This can be an invaluable asset for Management when meeting with foreign clients and partners. For one thing, it is hard to guess how much money they can save with the ability to negotiate adeptly. Christian Kaußen, from Heinrich and Partner states, “Comprehensive English skills are indispensable when working with international clients. The MacPherson Language Institute helps our employees to successfully and confidently negotiate in this environment.” 

Check out what the Northern Ireland Center for Information on Language Teaching and Resources has to say about the benefits of learning a language.

Employee Retention

Most successful companies put a lot of resources into keeping their staff. And rightly so! The cost of training new employees can be an overwhelming burden due to both the cost and time required. In-house language training is an affordable benefit that can keep your employees engaged and loyal for years to come. Not only do your staff get to learn a useful skill, your investment makes them feel valued by the company. 

One thing that employees are looking for in today’s marketplace is a company devoted to their professional development. In fact, 80 percent of U.S. employees rank commitment to professional development as an important factor in their overall job satisfaction. 

Team Building

One of the great things about in-house language training is team building. In group lessons the staff meet with other people within and across departments. This can have a dramatic effect on how staff respect each other as they get to know the different roles of people around them. Furthermore, team morale improves and internal communication becomes increasingly efficient.

In-house language training, MacPherson Language Institute

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Better Employees

The thing that most employers seem to overlook when thinking about language training is simple. You get better employees out of it! This is an investment in your number one resource, your staff. Of course, there are the benefits above, but what about other measurements? How else are they better? Easy!

The benefits of learning a foreign language are too many to count, but here are a couple of great perks! First, your staff will get better at their native language. Studying another language gets us thinking about all aspects of language and this pours over into our mother tongue. This means better internal and external communication which will in turn be a profit maker.

The increased confidence of your staff is a further bonus. This is good all over! Happy employees add to your brand, perform better and engage clients on a whole new level! There isn’t much a confident person can’t achieve! Especially when you combine it with an employee who can learn anything faster and is more creative! And these are two more perks of learning a second language. Your ability to learn improves and your creativity doubles. Priceless!

To sum it all up, in-house language training is an effective and efficient way to improve any international business. With loyal, engaged staff who are better equipped to handle the global marketplace, the world is yours for the taking! If you want to find out more, please contact us here. We would love to come talk to you about how to get the most out of your language training program.

Let’s Hear From You

These are just a few of the many reasons in-house language training can benefit your company. What are your experiences with language training? How has your company benefited? Let us know in the comments below. If you liked this article, please share it.




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