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Greetings: 7 Key Phrases For First Impressions

Category: Language Training | 2019-03-14

Have you ever heard that first impressions count the most when you’re meeting someone new? As it turns out, this is completely correct, and you always want to make sure to put your best foot forward when you’re greeting someone.

In the business world, there are a few ways that you can say hello to someone in order to greet them properly and help create an outstanding first impression. So, let’s take a look!

The Top 7 Business English Greetings

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Business English Training

1. Hello

A tried and true classic, a simple “hello” and a firm handshake never fail to impress when you’re meeting someone for the first time. Saying “hello” is also perfect if you have met someone many times, or when you’re seeing a colleague for the first time that day at the coffee machine. “Hello” is a true all-rounder, and perfect for any person and any occasion.

2. How are you today?

“How are you today,” is another greeting that can be used for anyone, and at any time of the day. It is particularly useful, as it shows interest in what the other person is doing and how they are feeling. It can be a useful small talk starter, or also as another part of a greeting after saying “hello.”

3. It is (very) nice to see you.

If you have met someone before, it is considered polite in English to tell them, “nice to see you,” when you meet them again. It helps to tell the other person that you remember meeting them before, and that you are looking forward to working with them again.


4. Pleased to meet you.

Meeting a client or a colleague for the first time? After saying, “hello,” let them know that you are happy to meet them by saying, “pleased to meet you.” It’s a very easy way to let someone know that they are welcomed in your company, and that you’re looking forward to doing business with them and/or working with them.

5. Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening.

These greetings are dependent on what time of day it is, of course, but they are another great greeting you can use with anyone! Whether it’s a client you just met, or someone you see every day, “good morning, good afternoon, and good evening” is just as flexible as “hello.”

6. How have you been?

This is a handy little phrase to keep in your back pocket. If you are meeting someone again, for example, a client, after you say that it’s nice to see them again, you can ask them, “how have you been.” This is a great phrase, as it shows interest in both their work and personal life, and that you are interested in how they have been going. This phrase can be used with anyone: whether it’s a returning client, or a friend that you haven’t heard from in a long time.

7. How is business going?

Do you have a client returning to your business? After saying “hello,” you may want to ask them how their business has been going. Has it been doing well, or have things been a little more difficult? This will help express your interest to them, and will also give you an idea as to their business situation.






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Putting it All Together

Whether getting ready for a networking event or starting a job in an international company, you need some different greetings on hand. Practice these seven greetings and your office talk and small talk will be ready for any situation.

What greetings do you use regularly in business situations? Share them with us and the rest of the community below!

And remember: If you would like to improve your Business English, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You will receive a 7-day FREE TRIAL of our online English course, where you will find more tips, articles and exclusive deals. Thanks for reading!


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