Why Would You Want To Learn A Language?
Category: Language Training | 2019-02-21
If you’ve already started taking a language course, you may find that it quickly became part of your everyday habits. You wake up, brush your teeth, go to work, go to your language class, and go home. It’s a wonderful thing if language learning has become a habit. But that means it can sometimes be hard to keep sight of what motivates you to learn a language.
So what is it exactly that motivates you to keep showing up for language learning every day? And if you haven’t started learning a language yet, what do you think could motivate you? If you need some extra motivation, or a kick in the pants to get started, here are some reasons why people are motivated to learn a language.
What motivates you to learn a language?
Improve Your English Vocabulary
There are several reasons why people learn a language. Here are just a few:
To communicate abroad
One of the coolest experiences, in my opinion, is when people are traveling abroad and are able to say a few phrases in the native language to help them get by. They might not be fluent, but they are able to make themselves understood, and you can tell that the native speakers appreciate it so much. A little goes a long way, so if you have a holiday coming up, now may be the perfect time to sign up for some extra language lessons.
To do business
As a teacher, one of the most common reasons you hear for people wanting to learn a language is so that they can do business. Either a foreign company owns their company, they have to do business in a second language on a daily basis, or a lot of people at their company speak a different language. No matter what the reason is, language is an essential part of doing business. If you’ve been looking for that extra push, maybe it’s your job that will give you the extra push.
For fun
Some like learning different languages for fun. It can be interesting and exciting to challenge your mind and try something new. Why not take up a new hobby and learn a language?
Conquer your fears
Many, many people are afraid of speaking in public or looking stupid. Especially when they’re speaking in their second language. In order to improve with a language, you have to speak in front of other people, and in a language where you may not be able to say things properly. Speaking in public in a second language is a great way to conquer your fears and move past any insecurities you may have.
It’s EASY, FUN and ADAPTS to
your personalized level
Putting it All Together
People have many different motivations to learn a language, and it’s important to know what keeps you going (or gets you started). If you’re not sure what motivates you to learn a language, sit down and make a list! You may find that you want to conquer your fears, find a new hobby, communicate better in the business world, or be able to talk to people when you’re on vacation.
And remember, if you want to improve your English, be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter. You will receive a 7-day FREE TRIAL of our online English course, and you’ll find more tips, articles, and exclusive deals. Thanks for reading!
About the Author

Erin Duffin
Erin Duffin is a writer, teacher, and yoga instructor. Her love of languages inspired her to move to Germany and to share language with others. You can find her work on the MacPherson Language Institute, Bespeaking, and erinduffinyoga.com.