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Keep Your Prospect On The Phone: 9 Key Phrases

Category: Business English Skills, Language Training | 2017-06-17

Talking on the phone can be difficult. No question. Talking on the phone in a foreign language can be downright terrifying. Trying to make a sales call and keep your prospect on the phone can be nearly impossible.

For non-native English speakers, this is a common problem in your day-to-day working life. Sure, in your native language you are smooth, suave and charming. But in English, you just don’t feel you’ve got the stuff.

Don’t worry! Here are a few proven openings that are sure to keep your prospect on the line. Let’s have a look!

9 Phrases to Keep Your Prospect on the Phone

Show Interest

One great way to engage your prospect is to show them that you are interested in them. Do some research and find out what they have been talking about on social media. There is a good chance that they have posted something on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter in the last week. Find something related to your business and start a conversation based on that.

Here’s how it looks:

  •  “I read your post on Facebook yesterday about…”
  • “My research into your company shows that you put a high value on (company value). I think (your product) would be a great fit for Company X
  • “From your company newsletter, I see that you are growing in (growth area).”
Keep your prospect on the phone

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Name Dropping

When contacting a prospect, using the name of a mutual contact should get you an immediate bump in trust. It will give you credibility and the prospect will be curious as to why they thought you two should talk.

This is a great lead-in to your pitch. It will help spark the prospect’s interest long enough to highlight your USP.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • “One of my clients, (name) at (company), suggested you might be a good fit for (product).”
  • “I was speaking to one of your colleagues (name) yesterday, and she mentioned that your operations in (market) are taking off. I thought it would be a good idea to talk to you about…”

Peer Review

Staying current with competitors in the market can be a compelling motivator for prospects. Let them know that you are working with other similar companies in their industry. The fear of missing out should pique their interest enough to want to hear your pitch.

Here’s how it goes:

  • “I have worked with a few similar companies in your industry, (inserting names optional) and they have been seeing great results with (your product).”
  • “After speaking with several companies in your industry, two major problems seem to be common. I was wondering if you have been experiencing similar difficulties with (two problems your product addresses).”



This is similar to showing interest in the prospect’s social media content, but with a twist. Here you have the opportunity to engage either on a professional or personal level. Perhaps their company has recently won a bid for a large contract. Or, maybe LinkedIn told you that your contact has just turned 40.

Whatever the case, showing your contacts that you are interested in them helps build the bonds of trust.

Try these on your next call:

  • “I noticed on your LinkedIn company profile that you have been awarded a contract with Company X.
  • “I wanted to congratulate you on your new job! As (new position), I expect you will be dealing with (challenge your product handles).”
Keep Your Prospect On The Phone

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Putting it All Together

Remember that your prospect’s time is as valuable as your own, so make the most out of your first impression. Your goal should be to establish credibility and expertise while getting the prospect into a receptive frame of mind.

When you do that, you give the prospect a reason to discuss your product or service. This will make the ultimate goal of getting a second call much more likely.

How do you open your sales calls? What technique do you use to keep your prospect on the phone? Let me know in the comments below. Don’t forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter for more tips, articles and exclusive deals. Thanks for reading!



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